苏晴晴,李海燕,王磊,等.膝关节置换病人围术期专科护理质量指标的构建.骨科,2019,10(5): 462-465.
Effcet of nursing care quality in perioperative period of knee joint replacement patients
中文关键词: 专科护理质量  膝关节置换  护理
英文关键词: Nursing care quality  Total knee arthroplasty  Nursing
苏晴晴 青岛大学附属医院关节外科山东青岛 266003  
李海燕 青岛大学附属医院关节外科山东青岛 266003 hyandhx@163.com 
王磊 青岛大学附属医院关节外科山东青岛 266003  
王田田 青岛大学山东青岛 266000  
孙璐 青岛大学附属医院关节外科山东青岛 266003  
房晓 青岛大学山东青岛 266000  
崔少伟 青岛大学附属医院关节外科山东青岛 266003  
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      目的 探讨专科护理质量指标在全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty, TKA)围术期的作用。方法 选取2017年3~12月行TKA手术的280例病人为对照组(专科护理质量指标实施前),2018年3~9月行TKA手术的240例病人为观察组(专科护理质量指标实施后)。以三维质量结构理论为基础,运用现状调查、文献检索法和德尔菲(Delphi)专家函询法构建膝关节置换围术期护理质量评价指标;运用护理过程质量指标和结果质量指标对膝关节置换病人围术期护理质量进行管理,定期评价膝关节置换围术期的护理质量,并分析数据进行质量改进。比较专科护理质量指标实施前后护理质量、病人出院时膝关节活动度(range of motion, ROM)和病人住院满意度。结果 专科护理质量指标实施后,病人住院满意度和专科护理质量指标达标率均较实施前提高,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论 专科护理质量指标可使护士护理服务标准化、规范化,提高病人住院满意度,利于膝关节置换病人围术期规范康复锻炼,利于专科护理质量标准化发展。
      Objective To explore the effect of nursing care quality in perioperative period of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods Two hundred and eighty patients who underwent TKA from March to December 2017 were selected as the control group (before the implementation of quality indicators of specialized nursing), and 240 patients who underwent TKA from March to September 2018 were selected as the observation group (after the implementation of quality indicators of specialized nursing). Under the guidance of three-dimensional structure theory, using the methods of prevalence study, literature review and Delphi expert inquiry, the nursing care quality was established in perioperative period of TKA. Process and result nursing quality indexes were used to manage the perioperative nursing quality of knee replacement patients, evaluate the nursing quality periodically, and analyze the data to improve the quality. The nursing quality before and after the implementation of specialist nursing quality indicators, range of motion (ROM) of knee joints at discharge and patients' satisfaction with hospitalization were analyzed. Results After the implementation of specialist nursing quality indicators, patients' hospitalization satisfaction and the rate of reaching the standard of specialist nursing quality indicators were significantly higher than those before the implementation (P<0.05). Conclusion The nursing care quality can standardize and normalize the nursing service of nurses, improve the satisfaction degree of the patients in hospital, facilitate the rehabilitation exercise of the patients undergoing TKA during perioperative period, and is beneficial to the standardization development of the quality of TKA nursing.
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