陈志达,肖棋,姚小涛,等.轴向叩击应力对内固定和外固定治疗胫骨骨折影响的有限元分析.骨科,2019,10(5): 395-401.
Three dimensional finite element study of axial percussion stress for bone healing in internal fixation and external fixation of tibial fractures
中文关键词: 计算机仿真  骨折愈合  叩击应力  频率  三维有限元分析
英文关键词: Computer simulation  Fracture healing  Percussion stress  Frequency  Three-dimensional finite element analysis
陈志达 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000  
肖棋 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000  
姚小涛 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000 yaoxiaotao123456@163.com 
丁真奇 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000  
黄国锋 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000  
宋超 联勤保障部队第909医院全军骨科中心福建漳州363000  
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      目的 评价钢板内固定与外固定架固定两种固定方式治疗胫骨横行骨折的最佳叩击理论参数。方法 对成年健康雌性山羊胫骨进行薄层CT扫描,所获图像分别通过Mimics软件、Abaqus软件建立胫骨横行骨折内固定和外固定三维有限元实验模型。固定胫骨近端,胫骨远端则施加轴向应力,频率分别为0.5 Hz、1 Hz、1.5 Hz、2 Hz、2.5 Hz、3 Hz,载荷分别为100 N、150 N、200 N、250 N、300 N,参数两两组合后采用迭代运算,模拟骨折愈合微观变化特征及骨折愈合情况,观察胫骨骨折愈合过程中愈合组织内应变、应力及位移,内固定和外固定所承受应力、变形,骨痂转化过程及愈合模式图。结果 成功获得山羊胫骨横行骨折内固定和外固定愈合组织转化过程中内应变、应力、位移、固定物所承受应力、变形云图及骨折愈合模式图。组合参数为200 N、1 Hz时,胫骨骨折在内固定和外固定方式下骨折愈合所需时间均最短。结论 200 N、1 Hz组合参数为山羊胫骨横行骨折内固定和外固定骨折愈合的最佳理论参数,为临床试验最佳应力刺激促进胫骨骨折愈合提供了理论依据。
      Objective To evaluate the optimal knock parameters of internal fixation and external fixation methods for the treatment of tibial transverse fracture. Methods The tibia of adult healthy female goats was scanned by CT to obtain thin-layer images. Three-dimensional finite element models of internal and external fixation were established by Mimics and Abaqus software. Then the proximal tibia was fixed and the distal tibia was given axial stress (frequency: 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 2 Hz, 2.5 Hz, 3 Hz; load: 100 N, 150 N, 200 N, 250 N, 300 N). Through iterative calculation, the micro-change characteristics of fracture healing were simulated, and the strain, stress and displacement of healing tissue, stress and deformation of internal and external fixation, callus transformation process and healing pattern were observed. Results We successfully obtained the internal strain, stress, displacement, deformation nephogram and fracture healing pattern of tibial fracture during tissue transformation of internal and external fixation. And the time needed for fracture healing with 200 N and 1 Hz combination parameters was the shortest under internal fixation and external fixation. Conclusion The results suggest that 200 N, 1 Hz combination parameters was the best theoretical parameters for the tibial fracture healing in goats after internal fixation and external fixation, which can provide the basis for clinical trials to promote fracture healing.
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