田薇,吴明珑.体位适应性训练对髋关节置换术后体位性低血压的护理干预研究.骨科,2019,10(4): 344-347.
Nursing intervention of postural hypotension after hip arthroplasty by postural adaptation training
中文关键词: 体位适应性训练  全髋关节置换术  体位性低血压  护理干预
英文关键词: Postural adaptation training  Total hip arthroplasty  Orthostatic hypotension  Nursing intervention
田薇 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院骨科武汉 430030  
吴明珑 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院骨科武汉 430030 1419361487@qq.com 
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      目的 探讨体位适应性训练对髋关节置换术后体位性低血压的护理干预效果。方法 选择2017年8月至2018年8月于我科进行髋关节置换术的56例病人进行前瞻性研究,采用随机数字表法将其分为对照组和研究组,每组28例,研究组的病人采用体位适应性训练的方式,对照组采用传统的护理模式。观察两组病人手术前后的血压变化,比较两组体位性低血压的发生率以及其对术后护理的满意率。结果 研究组共2例(2/28,7.14%)发生体位性低血压,对照组共8例(8/28,28.57%)发生体位性低血压,两组体位性低血压的发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.383,P=0.036)。研究组总满意度为96.43%(27/28),对照组总满意度为67.86%(19/28),两组病人的满意度比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.791,P=0.005)。结论 髋关节置换术后体位适应性训练的方法效果确切,有利于减少病人术后并发症的发生,减少病人的不适,对病人的快速康复有重要意义。
      Objective To investigate the effect of postural adaptation training nursing intervention on postural hypotension after total hip arthroplasty. Methods A total of 56 patients who underwent hip replacement in orthopedics department from August 2017 to August 2018 were randomly divided into control group and study group, with 28 patients in each group. The patients in the study group adopted the postural adaptation training, and the control group was given the traditional nursing mode. The changes of blood pressure before and after operation were observed, and the incidence of orthostatic hypotension and the satisfaction rate of nursing after operation were compared between the two groups. Results Postural hypotension occurred in 2 cases (2/28, 7.14%) in the study group and 8 cases (8/28, 28.57%) in the control group. There was a significant difference in the incidence of postural hypotension between the two groups (χ2=4.383, P=0.036). The total satisfaction of the study group was 96.43% (27/28) and that of the control group was 67.85% (19/28). There was a significant difference between the two groups (χ2=7.791, P=0.005). Conclusion The method of postural adaptation training after total hip arthroplasty has an accurate effect, which is helpful to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications and discomfort of patients, and is of great significance to the rapid recovery of patients.
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