谢金硕,周义钦,陈松,等.Kartogenin与TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX对兔滑膜间充质干细胞增殖及成软骨分化的对比研究.骨科,2016,7(5): 352-357.
A comparative study of effects of kartogenin vs. TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX on proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of rabbit synovial mesenchymal stem cells
中文关键词: 滑膜  间质干细胞  细胞增殖  细胞分化  软骨细胞  转化生长因子
英文关键词: Synovial membrane  Mesenchymal stem cells  Cell proliferation  Cell differentiation  Chondrocytes  Transforming growth factors
谢金硕 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科  
周义钦 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科  
陈松 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科  
邵加华 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科  
符培亮 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科  
许震宇 第二军医大学组织胚胎教研室  
吴海山 200003 上海上海长征医院关节外科 drisland@vip.sina.com 
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      目的 比较Kartogenin(KGN)与转化生长因子β3(TGF-β3)/骨形态发生蛋白2(BMP-2)/地塞米松(DEX)对兔滑膜间充质干细胞(synovial-derived mesenchymal stem cells, SMSCs)增殖及成软骨分化的作用。方法 于6~10月龄新西兰大白兔膝关节处滑膜中分离培养SMSCs,并进行鉴定。设置KGN组(采用KGN干预)、T/B/D组(TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX联合干预)及空白对照组,采用PELLET系统培养法分别培养各组细胞。通过比较各组细胞的增殖速度、软骨微球的直径和重量、Ⅱ型胶原(Col-Ⅱ)表达情况、成软骨分化相关标志基因表达及蛋白质合成量等指标来评价KGN对SMSCs增殖及成软骨能力的影响。结果 成功从兔膝关节滑膜分离出SMSCs;KGN组的SMSCs增殖能力弱于T/B/D组,但KGN组软骨微球直径最大,重量最重,Ⅱ型胶原合成量最多,且均显著高于其他组;PCR及Western Blot结果表明KGN组成软骨分化相关基因的表达最强,蛋白质合成量最多。结论 KGN不能明显增强SMSCs的增殖能力,但对SMSCs的成软骨分化能力强于TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX,将来可能应用于修复软骨损伤。
      Objective The effect of kartogenin (KGN) on chondrogenic differentiation of rabbit synovial mesenchymal stem cells (SMSCs) was evaluated by comparing with TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX. Methods SMSCs were isolated from the knee joints of rabbits, and cultured in the PELLET system for chondrogenic differentiation. The cell pellets were divided into 3 groups: KGN group (given KGN), T/B/D group [given the combination of transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3), bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) and dexamethasone (DEX)], and blank control group. The cell multiplication, diameter, weight, collagen type Ⅱ, expression of cartilage related genes and protein synthesis of cell pellets in each group were measured to analyze the effect of KGN on the proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of SMSCs. Results SMSCs were successfully isolated from the knee joints of rabbits. The ability of proliferation of pellets in KGN group was significantly weaker than that in TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX group. The pellets in KGN group presented larger diameter, heavier weight, more collagen type Ⅱ and higher expression of cartilage related genes and protein synthesis than those in the other groups. Conclusion KGN could not enhance SMSCs’ proliferation, but more strongly induce SMSCs’ chondrogenic differentiation than TGF-β3/BMP-2/DEX. For this reason, KGN could be used as a new method for repairing cartilage in the future.
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